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best icse day boarding school in Dehradun

The monsoon season is the most enchanting and gorgeous time of year. This season is a boon to farmers and a welcome respite from the hard summers. Kids are constantly hyperactive and enjoy going outside in the rain, jumping in puddles, making mud pies in wet playgrounds and getting all mucky in the rain. However, it can also be a period for mild infections and other diseases affecting children because of the wet and moist air that creates a favorable setting for these illnesses to thrive.

So, from the best ICSE day boarding school in Dehradun, here are some precautions you may take to keep your child safe from these water-borne diseases:

Maintain Their Hydration
Water-borne illnesses are a major cause of illness among youngsters during this season. Hence, it becomes crucial for children to stay hydrated throughout the monsoon season.

Make sure the water they drink is boiled, cleaned, and bottled; this will help them stay healthy and fit. If you are traveling, make sure that your youngster drinks only mineral water.

Avoid Eating Outside
Since water-borne infections are common during this season, and we can never tell what sort of water is being used in food preparation, it is critical to avoid eating outside.

When purchasing vegetables and fruits, properly wash them with warm water to remove stickiness and bacteria.

Proper Hand Sanitation
Hand cleaning is a crucial habit that should be done at all times not just during the monsoon season. Thus, it becomes crucial that children are educated on the need for washing hands on a regular basis.

Germs become buried in their fingernails, and eating with those hands without washing can introduce dangerous bacteria into their system, making them unwell.

Keep Stagnant Water at a Distance
Since stagnant waterways are mosquito breeding grounds, it is critical to keep children away from puddles of water.

Infections and pandemic illnesses are produced from stagnant water, and youngsters are vulnerable to illness if bitten by mosquitoes or insects. So, if you have dirty water near your home, have it cleaned right away.

Keep Them Warm and Dry
It is critical for children to avoid getting wet since this will keep them from becoming unwell. If they become wet in the rain, make sure they promptly wash and change into dry clothes. This will keep kids from getting a cold.

It is every child’s right to play with water and get wet, but it is your responsibility to keep them safe from illness. Hence, it becomes essential to take extra special care of your child during the rainy season.

Children require care throughout the year, but monsoon care is unique. The monsoon season necessitates particular caution due to the prevalence of illnesses. Following a healthy and sanitary plan may keep your children safe during the monsoon and make the season more fun for them.

Most of the top ICSE day boarding schools in Dehradun typically provide monsoon season rules that include wearing rain boots, carrying raincoats and umbrellas, and carrying home-cooked meals and water bottles.

As the best ICSE day boarding school in Dehradun, The Presidency International School takes great care of its students to ensure that they do not lose out on learning and fun and remain safe & healthy.

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